Class Assignment

We are a species afflicted.
Diseased with melancholera,
We race to the nearest shopping mall
For a quick fix and a neon high.

It's Vegas in your hand,
It's sex and wealth and access,
It's watching the world get undressed
And for a second, you feel it all.

A second,
And it's gone.

Back to the shroud of numb.

Written October 2011. Alaina Perez.

Hopelessly Devoted

I heard the song you
loved the most.

I remembered how
you danced to it
in place.

Flipping your wrists and stepping
on toes with a smile
I don't ever see

Written July 2012. Alaina Perez.

Visual Journals

I look to other people to
find my light again.

It is impossible to peer
within and find anything but

They remind me what I love
and I remember everything
I've wanted until

caught up in a worry,
I fade.

Tut tut.

Written June 2012. Alaina Perez.


As the fire creaked
He looked at me
And told me
He was leaving
and never coming

Written April 2012. Alaina Perez.

After a year of waiting...

Yay!!! The Offbeat, the literary magazine I was published in, finally arrived! It's weirder than I expected to see my name and my poetry in print, in an actual book. But, oh so exciting. I've been reading the work by some of the other contributors, and I'm so proud to be in their company. If anyone wants a copy of this volume it's only $8.50 from MSU Press. Click Aqui
They did change one of the words in my poem "My Dearest" from callous to callousness, which kind of throws off the rhythm of that line, but whatever. I'm just so honored and grateful for the opportunity to see my poetry in print. Now, I can show my grandkids that I was good for something.

Here's some sketch pics from my phone.